Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Day Tablescape

Saturday night I had my friend's Debbie and Penny over for a get together along with their other halves. It had been so long since we've been together to talk. They both have birthdays in February and Debbie's is actually on Valentine's Day. I've had some plates that I bought for Angie a long time ago and never ended up giving them to her so I decided to get some black wine glasses to go with them and put them to use in a Valentine's tablescape. Hobby Lobby (my favorite store) is the source of almost everything on this table.
The tablecloth is from The Christmas Tree Shop and bought by my niece Paula to use for Sweet Baby Boy's first birthday party this weekend. A Curious George party coming up.
I had been snowed in (or rather iced in) all week so I hadn't been able to shop for this dinner until the day of. Even then it was snowing so much that we were questioning whether to cancel this thing or not. I didn't have any flowers for this pot and really didn't have time to be making a floral arraignment since I also had food and hair and make up and cleaning to do. I walked in Walmart and the first thing I came to was this Bromeliad marked down to $5.00. The color matched the tablecloth so in the cart it went.

I couldn't believe how perfectly it plopped right into this pot from Hobby Lobby.

All of these black things with crystals are from the party room in my house. I have a ton of them that we bought for Angie and Erik's reception and then ended up not using. Soon they will be listed for sale somewhere.

Penny brought this bottle of wine and it went right with the decor. The lead crystal water glasses are from Sam's Club. Twelve of them for $20. I thought that was a bargain.

You can't really see it but the word LOVE is sitting here. Letters are from Angie's candy table from her wedding. (Pictures should click bigger)
One decanter was used for wine and one was for water. I thought the large diamond made the perfect topper for this decanter.

This was for Angie and Erik's champagne bottle at their wedding. She forgot to take it home with her I guess. I used it as an ice bucket.

The napkin rings are diamond rings leftover from Angie's shower. The napkins were purchased at the last minute at Walmart along with the bromeliad.
The table I had moved from the kitchen to the sun room to accommodate seating (not to mention we are getting ready to redo the kitchen. ) The chairs however looked horrible with the tablecloth so I grabbed some black fitted sheets and black curtains that were around here and threw them over the chairs. I only had four so I used two more of Paula's red tablecloths for the end chairs. With no time left and no idea what to use as chair ties, I went into the party room and spotted some crystal strands and grabbed them and tied the around the chairs. Tada.

I tried to get all Amy Atlas with the food table but ran out of time to make it like I pictured it. I did actually remember to snap a picture with Paula's camera while I was cooking. I forgot however to plug in the block of lights that were supposed to add some pop to the table. I also took the picture before all of the food was on the table. But at least I remembered to snap a picture during the chaos of trying to get everything done before the guests arrived. That is pretty good for me. I even remembered to borrow a camera. This table however was just the show food. The real stuff was on the kitchen counter on warming trays and in slow cookers. Those things just aren't very photogenic. We had a good time but the men were thrown off by the table. They didn't seem to want to sit down with us. It was as if the table, real plates and chair covers were not manly enough for them. I should have done it in a Super Bowl theme I guess.
Please go visit Susan and a bunch of other Tablescapers at Between Naps on the Porch where ths party is listed.


  1. I love the black and white against the red...beautiful!

  2. Great looking table Sandy. The red and black is quite striking. Thanks again for visiting my blog.

  3. Such a sophisticated table with the black and white with just enough red! Too bad the men missed out! They just don't know! :-) I'm glad the weather cooperated enough for you and your friends to get together and have fun. It would have been a shame for the ladies to miss out on such a pretty table. Have a great weekend!

  4. I think that adding the black to the traditional Valentine red was a perfect choice for a table set for mixed company. I'm sure that the men were grateful for a table free of doilies and lace. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay


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